current position :Guizhou

Emaozhai 120MW Agriculture-PV Complementary Project Phase III of Panzhou Shengyousheng New Energy Co., Ltd. in Guizhou


On April 10 2020, the project was approved with a loan of RMB 69 million and guaranteed by Agricultural Bank of China Limited Guangzhou Taojin Branch.

The main component of the project is to construct a 120-megawatt agriculture-PV complementary photovoltaic power station including construction of photovoltaic arrays in photovoltaic fields, booster stations, and 35kV transmission lines. It belongs to the category of clean energy development and utilization. Using solar energy to supplement and replace traditional coal-fired power, the project can improve energy efficiency, lower fuel consumption and thus realize greenhouse gas emission reduction. After the project is completed, it is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 99,434 tCO2e on annual basis.



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